How did I get these magic skills? Well, it's not just me. I have a great team answering the tough questions and providing a large referral network including; therapists, PT's, chiropractors, massage therapists, and doctors. Because sometimes you don't just need a trainer, you need a health team. Which is also why I haven't studied just one method of training. Barbells, kettlebells, and bodyweight skills are paramount, but there's nothing like a sweat sesh on the rower or carrying a bunch of groceries home in one trip. So depending on what you want to accomplish, we'll need access to different tools. And we get to be creative with the stuff and space you have. Some of the best gyms have the least bells and whistles (get it, bells?). Still not sure how personal training can benefit you? Take this super awesome quiz to see if it's right for you. |
LiftingOur goal is to make measurable no BS progress. We want to hit milestones and reward hard work. From pull ups to 5K's, we'll give you the plan, you just have to work it! *snaps*
Check out what members have been working on. |
Happiness EngineeringBeing in business is tough! That's why community is so important to our busy collective. From extra reps to extra hugs, our team aims to make the world better by flexing our kindness muscles and lifting other people up.
CoachingWe're not going for rah rah cheerleading here. I want you to be strong, feel strong, and know your strength.
Change the voice in your head from constantly critical to focused & wise. Or tell it to shush while you get to work! |